Saturday, August 15, 2009

Allergies and Autism? Is there a link?

Our oldest son, when born, was allergic to almost everything. He was allergic to milk, cow and goat, soy, and breast milk. We adopted him at 3 days old and had no idea what the poor guy was in for. We started him out on juice and cereal just to bring up his weight until we found out he was also allergic to wheat, yeast, corn, peanuts, and apple. Apple and corn syrup are the base for all juices whether grape or cranberry. He was also allergic to sugar and chocolate. What kid can go through life without chocolate? 

But that’s not all. He also was allergic to scents in cologne, air fresheners, laundry detergents, soaps, glycerin, oil based chemicals. The biggest discovery was formaldehyde which is in new carpet, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, drywall and surprise, Magic Markers. Yes, the brand name Magic Markers!. His reaction to this chemical is he becomes autistic. You can’t reach him, he doesn’t know you. He’s in his own world not touchable, reachable, will not respond. So my question is...has the medical community out there ever tested autistic children for chemical allergies. From personal experience, I truly believe there is a connection. 

Please, please...if you have an autistic child, forward this to your child’s doctor. I know there is not enough research for a cure to autism and should be. My son is now 22, has a very high IQ, but still has the same reaction to Magic Markers and formaldehyde as he did when he was young.

Any comments to this would be greatly appreciated.

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