Saturday, July 26, 2008

1st Tip to Saving Money: The High Price of Food

We all know that the high price of gas along with the low wages Americans are earning has a huge effect on how we eat and what we eat. I do believe the best diet is when you can't afford to buy groceries. But the best way to overcome this is by growing your own vegetables. You may not have the space, live in an apartment or have convinced yourself you don't have a green thumb. Its easier than you think. Its good exercise, relieves stress and you can even get the younger children involved. What a great way to learn. 

Outside, I would recommend garden boxes. They are easier to tend to and keep bug and weed free. You can go down to your handy hardware store and buy eight 2 x 4 x 10 foot lumber planks. Make sure they are treated. Use 3-4" long, what I call, penny nails. When you get home, take 4 boards and nail them together to form a square, 2-3 nails per corner. Take the next 4 boards and do the same. Pay attention to where the sun hits your garden area before you place your square down. If you live down south like I do, you will want the morning sun and afternoon shade. Set the first square down and place the second square on top. Underneath you will want to lay something down to keep the weeds from growing through. Most people would recommend gardener's black plastic which is fine, but can be costly. You will be surprised what I use. I use roofing black paper. It comes in a roll and doesn't rot away like you would think. I also have used this under stonework for a path to my mailbox. Its the perfect width for a path and keeps the weeds out. The pathway roofing paper I have down now is over 8 years old and still no weeds coming through the paper. Back to the you will need soil. Check around to different places that sell clean topsoil by the yard. Its cheaper and they normally will deliver. Now you are ready to plant those seeds. 

If you live in an apartment, find that window with the morning sun. This is important, because the glass in your window will magnify the heat on your vegetables. If you have a nice size window sill to set a planter box, thats great. If not, invest in a metal plant rack. A lot of times you can find these things at small area thrift stores. Always shop the dollar stores or thrift stores when you can. The object here is to save money. Some dollar stores sell seeds and topsoil for your planter. 

Whether you bought them or gathered them yourself. I will explain that at another time, get started and go green!

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