Friday, July 25, 2008

A World and One More...Everyone and Their Brother Too...

Some of the most unusual profound things MamaBess ever said. Some of the most inspiring things she did was living in respect for this good Earth and toward all mankind. My grandmother, fondly called by her four children, MamaBess, worked hard to raise four out of eight children she gave birth to. Four whom had died before they were old enough to walk or breathe. As everyone in Monroe, North Carolina who knew her said, she could make a desert bloom. Out of the small yard she had, she grew all the best flowers, harvested the blooms and sold them to seven different flower shops in the area. She harvested the seeds for future plantings and the can almost taste the sweet tomatoes. With all that she achieved as down to earth as it may seem, she was true to those words...A World and One More: meaning you can do it all and still have strength for more. Everyone and Their Brother Too: meaning take care of others whether friends or strangers. We are all in this together. This is what I will be hoping to discuss in the future blog. How can we in this World help each other instead of every man for themselves? How can we change our way of living, in order to put an end to pollution and our dependency on oil? And what about our economy? Watching on the news about the California Bank IndyMac closing and the lines of people. Are we headed to another Depression? That garden fed my Mom, her sister and brothers and her Mom and disabled Dad during the Great Depression. Is the environment headed to another dustbowl era? Send me your thoughts on how we can change the direction we are going now. Now is here, not later.

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