Saturday, November 7, 2009

What is Happening Here?

The world is a mess. That's an understatement. It always has been. Another understatement, I'm sure, but what has happened in just the last two days is incomprehensible. Why when the economy is in such a shambles, unemployment so low, that people feel a need to attack others without cause? How does barging in and killing employees in an office building who have no relation to you being laid off or a killing spree at a military base of soldiers that are facing the same deployment conditions you are, justify your act of violence? Is this the future for us? When things get tough, we attack others around us? The man who walked in and shot at employees yesterday in Orlando, which just turned out to be 25 miles from me, smiled as he strolled out of the building. Yes, smiled! Of course, later on the news stated he had mental issues, but why when we need to support each other are we attacking each other? I blame some of this on the news channels and crazy reporters, if you can call them that on some of the radical right stations, pushing for the public to threaten the Congressmen, White House, the gays, the Democrats, and whoever does not look or think exactly like they do. If you listen to your local news, do you notice how many bad reports they air compared to the good reports? Maybe its true about 2012. Maybe its irreversible. Instead of a meteor, an ice age, or atomic war, or disease, it will be random acts of violence like we have witnessed in the last two days. 

Times were a lot tougher during the Depression and yes, I'm sure there was violence, but still people helped people. (Check out 3rd paragraph of my listing below in Mama Bess and her Garden.) People need to get back to the land, simple life. More electronic gadgets and credit cards and fancy cars will not save us. We lose our job and instantly are dumped into a Depression. We can't handle it, we're spoiled. Theres too much violence in the world. Maybe its a sign of the times and a sign of the future to come or maybe, its just a very strong full moon. I vote for the moon.

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