Saturday, December 5, 2009

Winter? Is It Here Yet?

Well, down here in the Central Florida area, it's raining...and raining and raining. Grass is still green, not a good sign that winter is here, but it does feel a little cooler out, around 60 degrees. I know its been a while since I have written. I've taken on more work related responsibilities. I have just completed a new site where I am designing original art and selling hats, t-shirts, banners and magnetic signs. I know it sounds a little hokey for me. I haven't even finished writing that mystery murder novel I have been working on for the past two years. Almost there, but stuck on one detail that will send that final 'surprise ending' to the readers eyes. The new business website is . The funny thing is, the first week up, I sold three customized magnetic signs for a furniture repair business and have an order for a banner, not related to the work I am showcasing on the site. Along with this, I have also been designing over twenty brochures for a commercial printer who had been looking for a designer, but not enough work to hire one for inhouse, as of yet. That's the update on what has been happening around me, but about life on this land....

About three weeks ago, one of my younger cats, I have four now, brought me a present. The tiniest baby rabbit, about two inches long. I followed all the proper ways to raise it, by feeding it with an eye dropper and a formula of whipping cream, condensed milk and Kayo corn syrup, but the poor baby was too young and injured to make it. I have raised to maturity, at least 24 baby squirrels during hurricane season successfully, but this was my first try with a baby rabbit. 

My garden is in winter mode, mostly. The squash is done for and has been removed. I waited on removing the tomatoes. I am still getting ripe tomatoes off these plants. Leaves are starting to turn, but the tomatoes keep forming and no pests to bother them. They are Roma tomatoes and I still have to find time to make sauce from them. I have been using them mostly in salads and in dishes with chicken and noodles and cream sauce, yum! We have a lot of Kale coming out strong now and I recommend planting these leafy greens. Both are delicious in either salads or cook them up like spinach. Collards, Mustard Greens and Kale are great for your heart and is a great fighter to ward off cancer. The Oranges and Grapefruit are very strong and juicy now. Great timing in defense against the flu and cold season. The variegated tangerine-tangelos are not quite ripe yet. They are due around late December to early February. I'm looking forward, believe it or not, for one cold snap to sweeten the fruit on the trees. Not too cold, 50 degrees will do. It has gotten there a couple of times, but some of the fruit is still a little too tart. My favorite will always be the Ruby Red Grapefruit and the Naval Oranges. This brings to mind another story.

My parents moved to the Winter Park area back in 1957 when the great Temple Orange grove covered most of the area near Genius Drive. When the houses in their development were being built, the developer left about six trees from the original grove per homestead. Something that does not happen nowadays. I live out in the Clermont area where there is a sea of houses with no trees planted in the yards at all, all developed close to the Citrus Tower. Very sad that the total orange groves of the 1950s-1970s, were destroyed completely out here. But, at my parents house, there is still one orange tree left in the back yard, producing fruit. The tree is over 93 years old. It has a hollow opening in the main trunk, but no sour root stock. Oranges are still sweet, but smaller and mostly seeds. My Mom wanted to cut it down to save it from falling. I convinced her to let it stay and die naturally. It deserved that much. That was five years ago. I believe it will make 100 and maybe get listed in some Winter Park paper for it. We'll see.

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